Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Could This Explain the Big Advance Poll Turnout?

I voted in the advance poll. It seems that a lot of us did. 29 per cent more than usual.

I have wondered what that early turnout heralded. The Globe's Gary Mason thinks he knows:
“I voted in the advance poll because I just wanted this thing over with,” a friend told me on the weekend. “A group of us all did. It’s been the most depressing election campaign I can remember.”
Hey, I think he's on to something. That's why I went to the advance poll. I too just wanted the damned thing over with. I've never experienced an election this dismal and dreary with a slate of such second-rate leader material to choose from. It's a real shit-show, folks.  They're all shooting at slow-moving targets and no one is scoring a hit.


  1. You may not like it but

    Yves-François Blanchet
    Jagmeet Singh

    have scored a few hits.


  2. Yeah but I'm not sure, outside of Quebec, that they're having much impact. I was mainly focused on the pissing contest between Scheer and Trudeau.

  3. I'm anxious to see what Ontario contributes to this yawn-fest, Mound. If they go with the Cons, especially after the duggie frod impact, then I know that Canada is in far more trouble that even I anticipated -- and I'm not particularly hopeful!

    Maybe that suggested BC, Washington, Oregon and California alliance is not such a bad idea after all?

  4. It has a place in my heart, Lulymay. Far from the madding crowd.

  5. "I'm not sure, outside of Quebec, that they're having much impact"
    OK, so much for the stiff upper lip.

    May may keep her seat.

    Apparently all the parties use plastic signs - except the NDP who use paper.
