Monday, November 25, 2019

Justin's Pipeline Stasi Are Still At It.

The Crown corporation that owns the Trans Mountain Pipeline is running an intelligence operation against pipeline opponents. That's right. The government is spying on Canadians who have committed no crimes.

The federally owned Trans Mountain Corporation is monitoring pipeline opponents and designating some as persons of interest who warrant closer scrutiny, according to internal records provided to CBC News.

The Trans Mountain documents show its security officials recorded the names of individuals who posted anti-pipeline videos and statements on social media, along with the names of those tagged in the posts or who shared the content.

Trans Mountain also singled out two individuals it considered to be persons of interest — labelled "POI" in the documents — and compiled information on their movements and their interactions with different protest groups targeting other resource projects.
Apparently making common cause with an indigenous group opposed to Trudeau's pipeline can get you singled out as a POI.

Remember, Big Brother is watching.


  1. The RCMP are always at it anyway. The Mr Plods of Canada used to steam open letters back in the 1960s to read the latest gossip, and the comfortable goody-goody portion of Canadians responded by saying "Well, if you haven't said anything seditious in your longhand scrawl, you've got nothing to worry about in any case." Now the spooks intercept social media and email for a living. Must be a dull life for the most part. I fully expect the Mounties and maybe even the Army will stop protestors of any ilk when it comes to the building the TMX. Can't have actual plebs messing up the plans of those who truly matter in this world, now can we?


  2. yesterday on the heels of the CBC article I saw a reference to the American pipeline protesters being labelled as terrorists. Most, like our country, were First Nations peoples. Hong Kong protesters are being jailed for lifting brick pavers, not even throwing them. I guess they failed to get a permit.

  3. That's about it, Z. Dissent is now suspicious activity, a threat to the state. Harper instituted the pipeline Stasi blending Kinder-Morgan's sleuths with both the RCMP and CSIS. When this prime minister took power I had thought he would disband that unaccountable spy agency. He didn't. Enough said.

  4. This fact alone is enough to show what a neoliberal Trudeau is, Mound. Perhaps a few eyes will be opened to his true ideological/political bent.

  5. Govt's top priority appears to be to grow the GDP. Bitumen and LNG are seen as the way to do that, even if they don't make sense.

    Here's a recent article about BC gas drilling:

    "Between 2016 and 2018, about $1.2 billion in credits for deep-well and horizontal drilling were issued to (BC) gas producers, who can use them to reduce future natural gas royalty payments to the government when wells go into production."

  6. "In the agreement, the province (BC) committed to provide electricity (to LNG Canada) at the standard (low) industrial rate, eliminate the LNG income tax, allow LNG Canada to claim a natural gas income tax credit and defer provincial sales tax on construction costs."

    Yeah, we'll pay the LNG company to take the gas and export it.

    As long as we grow the GDP, that's all that matters.

  7. spying by corporations against citizens who oppose them is not a good thing and a violation of our democracy and Constitution. If the government is involved in this then it is even worse. perhaps its time for human rights complaints and law suits.

    Its too bad the MSM isn't giving this a tad more exposure. This is unlawful survalliance and harassment. It needs to end.
