Wednesday, January 29, 2020

Umm, Donald, About that Impeachment Defence


  1. The execution of Chuck I led to the Rump Parliament. The Americans are already there.



  2. Well, when you put it that way.

    Your comment brought to mind a book I expect you would enjoy, Geoffrey Robertson's 2005 work, "The Tyrannicide Brief."

    It's the story of an obscure young lawyer, John Cooke, who pioneered some of the great traditions of English Common Law, rising through the ranks of his profession. He ultimately was dragooned into prosecuting the king only to suffer a torturous death himself 11 years later at the hand of Charles' son.

    The author is a prominent British human rights lawyer and UN war crimes judge.

    I found my copy cheap on Abe Books. You might find it in a good library.

  3. Thanks for the tip, Mound. I'll have a look around for a copy.

    It should also be noted that the execution of Charles I came at the end of a bloody civil war, and that it was followed by the dictatorship of a fanatical fundamentalist Christian. Plus ça change...


  4. Those fundamentalists have a bad habit of turning up without an invite.
    For a minority of the world population they sure do create a lot of grief.


  5. Yes, TB, these fundies do punch above their weight.

  6. Cap, here's a helpful review of "The Tyrannicide Brief" from The Observer.

  7. Ever since Trump entered the White House, I've mused about one thing.

    Will he be exchanging a seat of power for another? It's possible, just need to hope that he could be sent somewhere with a functioning electric chair. No need for assassination, just a charge of treason leading up to the headline "Trump Fries".

    Bad product given the namesake, but an excellent headline.
