Thursday, March 05, 2020

Then There Were Two

Elizabeth Warren has dropped her bid for the Democratic presidential nomination.

Yesterday the rumour mill circulated the story that Warren had decided to endorse Bernie Sanders. If so, she hasn't announced it yet.


  1. You forgot Tulsi. She's a shoe-in. After Samoa, she will likely win the Moscow and Omsk primaries.

    1. Not funny, Tulsi is a great person and she has been treated worse then shit by the dirt bags of the DNC.

  2. Oh dear, Tulsi, yes. How could I have forgotten?

  3. Mound, do you think that the whole Bloomberg thing was a ploy to knock Sanders out of the race and ensure Biden wins? It appears, again, that the Democrat establishment would rather lose than win with any sort of progressive.

  4. She's the one the libertarians are most glad to be rid of. None of the others would have a clue as to how to handle the threat of a capital strike, not that the oligarchs would ever find the need to make one with a guy like Biden in the chair. It was over when the media followed its instructions to distract the public by throwing those bullshit "Medicare-for-all" questions at her. Too easy.

  5. Toby, a Biden/Bloomberg conspiracy? Not that I'm aware of. Why, what do you know?

  6. John, Toby - it's interesting that progressive movements are never top down affairs. They're built from the bottom up. The progressive movement in the US at the turn of the last century was a farmers' movement. The irony is that, a century later, those flyover states were firmly in the hold of radical Republicanism.

  7. Damn, she was my fave and I was hoping she'd hang around until the next debate to see if the grumpy old men would stroke out. Barring a sudden surge in Gabbard's support, the US will be electing the oldest president in history this fall. The Democratic primaries started out with a host of vibrant young candidates, any one of whom would have been a worthy successor to names like JFK, Bill Clinton and Barack Obama, and a stark contrast to the senile orange oaf currently occupying the White House. Now there's nobody with any skin in the climate issue.

    While Sanders' policies are clearly superior to Biden's play nice with Republicans rubbish, Sanders welched on his promise to release all his medical records following his heart attack. There's only one conclusion to be drawn from that, and it's the same as Trump's tax records - if they were helpful, we'd have seen them. The VP picks are going to be very important this year.


  8. It has been a disappointing primary season for the Dems, Cap. The party can muster some quality candidates but few that capture the imagination and loyalty of the plebs.

    Hillary was deeply disliked. Without her on the ballot could a grifter such as Trump prevailed?

    Look at the job the GOP did on John Kerry with their 'Swiftboat' smear campaign. If they could do that to a decorated combat veteran how much trouble would they have going after the vulnerabilities of the current crop of candidates?

  9. Mound, at least a year ago I assumed the fix was in for Biden to be the candidate. Sanders is just too radical for the old, white, male establishment. I just didn't know how the DNC would go about doing that. No I don't have evidence but then I don't think there is much democracy in the US.

    Remember Eugene McCarthy, the antiwar nominee? He was the popular front runner but the DNC pulled a bunch of tricks and chose Hubert Humphrey, an establishment guy. As it was then, we can expect Sanders supporters to stay home on voting day. Would you vote for Biden? I certainly wouldn't.

  10. "Did Michael Bloomberg just make the best play?"

  11. When you start diving into speculation the sky is the limit, Toby.
