Sunday, March 15, 2020

What's Better Than Givenchy of Christian Dior? And Trump Tries to Scoop German Vaccine.

Hand sanitizer, that's better than fancy fragrances. And who's okay with that? Louis Vuitton, Hennesy, Moet - the company that produces those high end fragrances and cosmetics.

Answering the patriotic call, the company is going on a war footing. It is converting its plants to the production of hydroalcoholic gel, hand sanitizer, to meet French demand - for free.

“Through this initiative, LVMH intends to help address the risk of a lack of product in France and enable a greater number of people to continue to take the right action to protect themselves from the spread of the virus,” the statement said.

On Sunday, France’s health minister reported 29 more coronavirus deaths, marking France’s biggest single-day jump in fatalities from covid-19. Over the weekend, the government joined other European countries, including Italy and Spain, in taking measures to stop the virus’s spread, closing its restaurants, cafes, entertainment venues and all nonessential businesses.
In a less altruistic development, German authorities are meeting to discuss an approach by the American president to buy the exclusive rights to a Covid-19 vaccine under development by German researchers.
The governments of Germany and the United States are wrestling over the German-based company CureVac, which is working on a vaccine for the novel coronavirus, reported German newspaper Welt am Sonntag. 
The prominent German media outlet reported, citing unnamed sources, that US President Donald Trump was offering large sums of money to German scientists working on a vaccine. He wanted to secure exclusive rights to their work, the newspaper reported.
See, there's no ally like an American ally.


  1. Nothing personal just business.

  2. Beware of Sam Slick the America trader!
    Did Trump make the offer on behalf of the US government or was it on his own accord?
    Either way it says lots about US mentality.
    The story has not gained much traction in north america!

    The right wing media which means most of it is strangely quiet on matters of big government and spending cuts to public services
    Calls to privatise health care are nowhere to be heard .
    Markets are crashing worldwide and we have no room to reduce interest rates as a stimulous; my my this will not end well..


  3. With Trump, Rumley, everything is personal.

  4. I expect Trump was pursuing a US government deal, TB. Great re-election ploy - "how Donald Trump the savior brought America the coronavirus cure."
    They're Americans, after all, they wouldn't care less how he did it.

  5. This is the first time I have agreed with Trump.

    China has the tools ! to control the spread of the virus we don't.
    Big Government that is the one party system can lock down any freedom of movement.
    We can only suggest or advise people to reduce travel and personal contacts.
    I am guessing that it will take north america twice the time of China to reduce the virus spread.
    Its going to be long hard summer.


  6. If this is a pandemic, and the medicos seem to agree it is, it won't be over soon TB. The consensus seems to be it will come in waves, two but probably three. The second wave features a mutated virus and is by far the most lethal.

    You and me? We're just along for the ride at this point. Maybe it's a good time to freshen up some of the interior paint.

  7. I expect, Trump being Trump, it was a ploy to make money. He cares about that even more than being president. As for whether he asked on his behalf or the state’s, in his mind, they’re the same. Probably a combination— government money for his personal gain.
