Friday, April 24, 2020

Thanks, Avi. Thanks a Lot.

The chair of Harvard's astronomy programme, Avi Loeb, has taken the opportunity served up by the pandemic to burst our illusions.
Following a century of scientific and technological advances that triggered unprecedented economic growth, our civilization perceived its superiority over nature as undisputed. 
Like corrections to irrationally exuberant stock markets, however, COVID-19 is a correction to human hubris. Nature is teaching all humans, rich and poor, to be humble. Although we thought we can manipulate nature at our will, here comes a primitive coronavirus with negligible information content relative to our brain, threatening to kill us and wreck our economy, causing as much damage from the side effects triggered by our societal reaction to it as from its direct medical impact. 
Personally, I practiced social distancing long before it became trendy. In my mind, it was evident before the appearance of COVID-19 that we are fundamentally “monads” as envisioned by the philosopher Gottfried Leibniz, despite illusive notions of empowerment that stem from groupthink. Social distancing benefits free thinking. Isaac Newton did his best scientific work while staying home with his parents at Woolsthorpe during the Great Plague of London in 1665–66, when Cambridge University closed down. Over a year of independent work, he developed calculus, optics and realized the nature of gravity.
Then, Herr Doktor Loeb, drops the hammer, pointing out that this virus may be a minor annoyance compared to the threats, locked and loaded, that will confront mankind this century. He writes we should be grateful just to be here. That we're here at all is a fluke.
The most fundamental lesson is simple. We must treasure all the good that nature gives us rather than take it for granted, because it can easily disappear. Over the next century, trillions of dollars could be lost not just from pandemics like COVID-19 but also from major solar flares or asteroid impacts. We’d better prepare protections for those before they hit us. 
On longer timescales, even bigger catastrophes might occur, such as explosions of nearby stars or a brightening of the sun that will boil off our oceans less than a billion years from now. 
As I told students over Zoom in my freshman seminar at Harvard last week, life as we know it is merely an afterthought in the global scheme of the cosmos. The universe started off consisting mainly of hydrogen and helium. Heavy elements like carbon and oxygen, which enable the chemistry of life, are the “ashes” from nuclear burning in the hot cores of stars. Our transient existence has lasted for less than 10 one-billionths of cosmic history so far on a tiny rock we call Earth, surrounded by a vast lifeless space. We should be thankful for the fortuitous circumstances that allow us to exist, because they will surely go away one day, with or without COVID-19.


  1. O.K. that was a jerk into reality I didn't want. was just admiring the fruit trees in bloom across the street.

    COVID 19 is a wake up call as has been the huge forest fires we have seen in North America and Australia.

    it is unfortunate that some politicians don't realize in the grand scheme of things, they are not much. they have gotten to the top of the garbage pile and think they have accomplished something.

    Many of us have been very fortunte we have led the charmed lives we have, with adequate food water, housing, etc. There is nothing which says we can't be back in the dirty 30s or the stone age,

    nice reminder.

  2. Social distancing, US style.

    My my; I remember Georgia in a more pleasant time.

    I have lived a pampered and fortunate life.


  3. e.a.f. I almost spiked this post, sensing that few would want to add this to their locked down woes.

  4. TB, I read your comment just before calling it a day. I really appreciate that Ray Charles bit. Thanks.
