Monday, June 15, 2020

UN Human Rights Council to Debate Racism

The United Nations Human Rights Council will convene Wednesday to discuss racism and police violence. The HRC scheduled the debate at the request of the 54 nation Africa Group.
Burkina Faso on behalf of 54 African nations asked for a special debate on "systematic racism, police brutality and violence in peaceful protests" in the US. 
President of the Human Rights Council Elisabeth Tichy-Fisslberger from Austria spoke at a press conference at the UN in Geneva, the first since it shut down normal activities in March due to the pandemic. 
"We got a request from the African group to have an urgent debate in the follow up to what happened in America with George Floyd and the whole tragedy which showed the problems of racism of police violence, and the follow up to that," said Tichy-Fisslberger.
The US withdrew from the HRC on June 18, 2018, over charges of alleged bias against Israel and allegations that the body serves as a protector of rights abusers.
The gathering will probably spark some Twitter tantrum from the Cheeto Benito who holds a somewhat low opinion of these African nations and, indeed, of the UN itself. You may remember the term he used to describe them.

1 comment:

  1. Not to hurt sensitive ears ,this is akin to the frying pan calling the kettle black.
    maybe we should compare it to Trudeau's wish to reduce carbon then announcing a pipeline expansion.
    Better still look to the UN declarations to reduce carbon emissions!

    All full of hot air, all political posturing for the next election of same old, same old politics.

