Tuesday, August 04, 2020

Nothing Says "Donald Trump" Quite Like Donald Trump

I've decided to post Trump's entire Axios interview from last weekend. It is something that needs to be watched in its entirety.

Just keep reminding yourself that you're listening to the president of the United States of America.  America's president.  When you're done, ask yourself where America would be if it has to endure four more years of this guy.


  1. Trump's quintessential narcissism is on full display when he says that he didn't know John Lewis. His only awareness of him is that he did not attend his inauguration nor his State of the Union addresses.

    Trump's legendary resentments are but one of the many reasons he is manifestly unfit to hold office, Mound.

  2. Trump knew John Lewis. They crossed swords last year or the year before. In response to something Lewis said, Trump took to Twitter and said Lewis ought to focus on his rat-infested district.

    Trump was lying. The only thing surprising about that is that he wasn't called out on this one.
