Sunday, August 23, 2020

Stranger Things - Election Eve Edition

Will Americans go to the polls as scheduled on November 3rd? Probably.

However there is a 1 in 200 chance of an asteroid hitting Earth the day before.

NASA says it is an asteroid but nothing to write home about. It's only 6.5 feet in diameter. If it does hit our planet it could cause a local problem but it won't end the current iteration of 'Life on Earth.'

But, let's look on the bright side. It might hit. It's a long shot but it might. And, if it does, it might hit America. It might hit that part of America where Donald Trump will be wrapping up his campaign. It might be the Perfecta. Not likely but not impossible either.

A 0.41 per cent chance isn't all that encouraging but we must always live in hope. Besides, wouldn't that be something to share with the grandkids years from now?


  1. I wonder how the fundagelicals and QAnon cultists would account for their modern-day King Cyrus being hit by an asteroid? Act of God or passing fluke?


  2. 0.41 is better odds than winning the lottery!
    But Donald Trumpleskin would blame it on some 'outside influence'; or claim it was False News!
    It would 'light up the skies' and perhaps give the media something to talk about.

  3. Sad news. I hopped over to NASA's website and this doesn't sound promising even if it had some guidance system that could home in on the Great Orange Bloat. This thing is about 6 feet in diameter. NASA says about once a year we get an automobile sized asteroid but they burn up harmlessly. Apparently it takes a space rock roughly 25 m. dia. to reach the surface and cause localized damage. Every couple of millennia we get hit by a "football field" size asteroid but even that doesn't kill off much. Apparently there are some out there upwards of 900 km. dia. but none in our path.

    Suddenly 6 ft./2 m. sounds like a lot of nothing.
