Monday, August 24, 2020

Wexit Is a Shakedown And the Tories Are Blackmailing Canada

Erin O'Toole could hardly wait to get his ass in Andrew Scheer's old chair before he was on the phone to Justin Trudeau to raise that gravest threat facing Canada, Wexit.
By midday, O'Toole had already spoken to his main rival in Parliament, a call both Prime Minister Justin Trudeau's office and O'Toole's described as cordial and covered topics both personal and political, including western alienation. 
According to a statement from O'Toole, the party wants to see a plan in Trudeau's upcoming throne speech to directly address the issue. That the Tories would advocate for more action from the Liberals on that front was a key ask by Alberta MPs during the leadership campaign.
This is Culture War 101 bullshit at its finest.  Separation - Alberta, Saskatchewan - really?  Them and whose army?

Ottawa isn't denying them their Gawd-given bountiful future. They're fossil fools if they think there's a future in high carbon, low value coal and bitumen. Day by day it's worsening. Those are becoming stranded assets in a world awash in cheap, relatively clean carbon energy. Northern Alberta is a giant Love Canal.

In a recklessness befitting a back alley drunk, Alberta "pissed away" its wealth, its future and its political clout. They did everything Peter Lougheed warned them to avoid and now they're reaping what Lougheed said awaited the Wild Rose if they acted recklessly.

The whole Wexit business hinges on British Columbia ignoring both instincts and self-interests for the sake of the poxed-up cutie next door. What do they have to offer British Columbia to throw in with them? Nothing.  What, is BC going to pick up $80 billion or more as our share of cleaning up the environmental catastrophe of their profligate ways? These are the same people who repeatedly threatened us with dire consequences if we refused to submit to their will and now we're supposed to look kindly on them and their hair-brained scheme?

These Wexit scammers, O'Toole now included, know they're holding a dead hand. They got nothin'. It's time to call their bluff and shut them up for good. Do they think the capital that's still propping up their economy, Canadian and foreign, won't head for safer ground in a heartbeat. They would be travelling an already well-trodden path.


  1. Wexshshit is exactly that.
    The whole idea of becoming more 'murican' or aligning with Texas is farce at it's best.
    Does Alberta really wish to become more murican? I think not.
    I think the next Alberta provincial election will be no landslide for the Con-servatives.


  2. .. Canadians will very soon be fed a steady diet of Erin O'Toole
    oh Web, Facebook, Twitter, Free Mainstream TV, Op Ed
    did I mention Sun newspapers ? With back pages Rub and Tug ads ?
    Vapid a la Scheer or worse.. All in a pandemic
    & a freefalling economy.. CPC will have plenty of $$

    Alberta fell into the clammy hands of Jason Kenney
    who insists on calling COVID-19 "a flu"
    Its totally bizarre he gets away with it
    The WEXIT boogie man is so scary..
    but nobody wants to mention 1st Nation Lands in Alberta
    that aint going anywhere.. political, legal or theft or fantasy

    I can't wait to see him puff up.. for Party proclamations
    Just another political A-hole scumbag to me .

  3. I was surprised to learn that O'Toole got into Wexit right out of the blocks. To me it symbolized a Tory leader who is not to be taken seriously - by anyone.

  4. O'Toole was probably surprised as anyone else to win.
    His first reaction was possible; holy shit what do I do now?
    Look for a soulmate says the spaghetti monster, so he looked to Alberta for support.


  5. I wonder how O'Toole's support is in the other provinces, TB?
