Harpo is about as harcore Republican as it gets when it comes to manipulating patriotism to attack those who legitimately criticize his regime. The man is pure slime.
The Prime Monster donned his best red windbreaker in Petawawa today and exploited his audience of service members and their families to deride his critics attention to the detainee issue for somehow denying our "heroes" their proper recognition.
Let's see now. Harpo and O'Conner and McKay all spin fanciful tales that repeatedly turn out to be just stories, made up crap, and then he ties his own deceit and incompetence to the issue of honouring our soldiers. As though there was any doubt, Harper again shows himself to be a very low form of life.
Stephen Harper's a low-down, dirty sack of rat shite. He'll say or do anything in his unseemly lust for power and recognition. He's a panderer of the lowest sort. He'll smear the troops and Canadians with shite to try to make himself look good.
Stephen Harper is not worthy to clean Canadian troops' boots.
He's, as you said, slime.
As though there was any doubt, Harper again shows himself to be a very low form of life.
That would be slime.
I've commented everywhere on Liblogs today about this, so I'll leave it at this.
Your choice of photo, brilliant!
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