Tuesday, January 01, 2008

Harper Fails on Afghan Mission - Again

Stephen Harper has flopped again, this time in his persistent inability to persuade Canadians that our mission in Afghanistan is worth extending.

An Angus-Reid poll shows Canadians' views have solidified with 61% of us wanting the mission to end in 2009 versus 28% in favour of continuing. The "unsure" category has fallen by half from 22% in July to only 11% in December. From Angus-Reid.com:

"Other poll highlights: 47% regard Canadian participation as war mission; 57% say Afghan people are benefiting from Canadian efforts; 53% call for an early withdrawal of Canadian troops from Afghanistan; 60% say the Harper government has not effectively explained the mission; 71% say Canada is shouldering too much of the burden of NATO’s mission."


  1. Unless I misread the site over there, we should be making the usual caveats about Angus-Reid's polls and state that this is an online one.

  2. It may be an online poll, but it seems to be on th lefties side all along.

  3. When Harper starts governing by polls . . . he will look just like the liberal hacks that came before him!!!
    The only poll that Cretien didn't listen to was when 90% of Canadians told him taxes were too high!!
