Tuesday, January 01, 2008

Would-Be Ford Assassin Paroled

A year after the death of president Gerald Ford, the woman who attempted to assassinate him more than three decades ago has been paroled. Sara Jane Moore, now 77, was given parole on December 31st. From the LA Times:

Moore, an accountant and a divorced mother of four, fired at Ford on Sept. 22, 1975, as the president was leaving a speaking engagement at the St. Francis Hotel in downtown San Francisco. Her single shot from a .38-caliber revolver missed Ford by several feet after Oliver Sipple, a disabled Vietnam War veteran, grabbed her arm and pulled her down.

It came a little more than two weeks after Lynnette Alice "Squeaky" Fromme, a follower of Charles Manson, pointed a loaded gun at Ford as he visited the state Capitol in Sacramento. Moore later said that Fromme's effort did not inspire her own.

Before she fired at Ford, Moore had received psychiatric treatment several times and her attorneys were preparing an insanity defense. She pleaded guilty over their objections.

After she was sentenced, Moore expressed mixed feelings about her actions.

"Am I sorry I tried?" she said. "Yes and no. Yes, because it accomplished little except to throw away the rest of my life . . . . And, no, I'm not sorry I tried, because at the time it seemed a correct expression of my anger."


  1. You missed the fact she was an FBI plant in the left and anti-war movement and only months before the attempt on Ford she had been laid off by the FBI Counter-Intel-Pro operation.

  2. Yes indeed I did miss that. She was? Is that why she was pissed off enough to take a potshot at Ford? Interesting ...very interesting.

  3. Almost one year to the day since the passing of Former United States President Gerald Ford, the liberal activist who tried to kill him walks free.

    Most people believe that attempting to assassinate a US President should and normally does result in a life in prison for the would - be assassin. Sara Jane Moore is proof that they are wrong. What's more, her prison record is dotted with conduct violations and an attempted escape in 1978.

    Another interesting detail of this case is that Sara Jane Moore was successful at convincing a federal judge to block a prison warden from taking away an inmate's cell keys back in the summer of 2000.

    So why would would a federal prison's parole board free Sara Jane Moore?

    Inmates with life sentences can petition for parole after a staggeringly brief 10 years. This makes it possible to receive a life sentence and be walking the street again in little more than a two-term Presidency.

    Presidential assassins can take shots at elected officials, skip two elections and be back in business for more political activism just in time to pop a new President if a parole board so desires.

    Moore was released under a federal law that makes parole mandatory for inmates who have served at least 30 years of a life sentence without getting into trouble, according to Thomas Hutchison, chief of staff of the U.S. Parole Commission.

    Never-minding the fact that Moore's conduct was not without incidence during her incarceration, the real outrage is that our own laws mandate the release of such prisoners in just three decades. This is good news for the John Hinckley Jr's in our prison system, and the future activists who feel like changing the course of history.

    Now Listen To This....

    Michigan’s second-highest court says that anyone involved in an extramarital fling can be prosecuted for first-degree criminal sexual conduct, a felony offense where Life in prison is within the mandatory sentencing guidelines for that state.

    That's right folks, our laws have become so politically and legally skewed that attempting to blow away a US President is nearly on par in the eyes of the law as an ordinary drunken fling. It's quite an outlandish thought considering many of our own Presidents have been caught up in extramarital affairs.

    Danny Vice
    The Weekly Vice
