Monday, March 16, 2015

Watch the Trailer for Naomi Klein's Documentary, "This Changes Everything."

Out soon, a documentary to compliment Naomi Klein's new book, "This Changes Everything."  Here's the trailer.


  1. As time permits, I am reading the book. It should be required reading in schools and colleges and parliaments.

  2. There are a lot of gems in the book, Toby, but you have to wade through a fair bit to get to them. I think I need to read it again.

  3. If this is the movie trailer, then I'm worried. I wouldn't show this to my class - it's way too boring. Who will actually watch the film except the converted? The environmental movement has market itself better if we hope to reach a critical mass of people!

  4. Hi, Marie. I know you've read the book. Didn't you find parts of it a little boring? There was that "Naomi Klein discovers that climate change is real and really scary" sort of thing.

  5. Hi Mound - Just catching up on your blog! Yes, I did find parts of the book hard slogging - but I expect that from books of that ilk that get bogged down in details. A film is a more immediate medium that could actually reach a ton of people IF it's done well. Two docs that I show in class regularly that do it well are The Cove and Garbage Warrior. Both feature a single-minded eccentric activist willing to do anything for their cause. I don't think Klein's got the charisma for that position, but Suzuki might. We've got to get our shit together to get the message out in a way people will listen. Tons of marketing dudes have written about the ins and outs of persuasion. Surely we can manage a video. And who makes a 10 minute movie trailer? I hope that doesn't mean the movie will be 5 hours long!
