Friday, November 11, 2016

Are Establishment Republicans Cowering in Their Cellars?

Once he's sworn into office, could Trump unleash his very own, Republican Reichsmordwoche  or "night of the long knives"? That was the week when Adolph Hitler purged his movement of potential threats, such as SA head Ernst Rhom.

The number murdered by the SS and Gestapo is unknown. 85 prominent Nazis were executed, possibly hundreds. A thousand others, Nazis and critics were arrested and taken away.

Flash forward to November, 2016. Republican House Speaker, Paul Ryan, showed up on TV Wednesday morning with knee pads on, swearing allegiance up and down to Donald Trump, who he praised for single-handedly winning the White House, the House and the Senate for the Republicans and promising that he would do whatever Donald wanted - anything. Anything.

The problem is that Trump whipped his followers into a foaming at the mouth frenzy and now they want blood, starting with the traitors in their own ranks.

As Barack Obama used to say, elections have consequences, and the new American right — let's call them that, because they loathe the old American right — is hungry for consequences to begin.

They want a reckoning for all those Republican traitors who repudiated Trump during the campaign (one of Trump's spokespeople told a reporter election night his boss has a long enemies list) and action on all those promises, particularly the big six: The Wall, Lock Up Hillary, Deport the Illegals, Seal off America to Muslims, Repeal Obamacare, and force companies to Bring Back Those Jobs from Overseas.

Outrage artist and early Trump supporter Ann Coulter was prominent on Breitbart News Thursday, complaining that too often, Republicans go all soft in the middle and break faith, once in office.

Coulter has helpfully organized Trump's first 100 days in office.

Day One, she says, Trump should "start building the wall." She then lists 98 more entries titled "continue building the wall."

...Locking Up Hillary, the signature chant of crowds at Trump rallies, is also an item the base regards as urgent.

Breitbart editor at large Peter Schweizer was warning on Thursday that Trump, who repeatedly denounced Hillary Clinton as a criminal, must make good on his promise to appoint a special Hillary prosecutor.

...Among other Trump promises less discussed today, but certain to be insisted upon by his base: defunding Planned Parenthood and getting rid of the Environmental Protection Agency; ordering heavy surveillance of U.S. mosques and closing some if need be; recognizing Jerusalem as the capital of Israel; bringing back torture for detainees; "bombing the shit out of ISIS"; getting out of the Iran deal; imposing new taxes on imports; getting rid of gun-free zones at schools; reversing Obama's executive orders preventing deportation of some illegal immigrants; massive tax cuts; and repealing regulations curbing Wall Street greed and protecting consumers.

Trump has a well-deserved reputation for overselling, promising what he could not possibly deliver, milking Gullibillies and then leaving them holding the bag. He's made a lot of promises, promises of blood. His base is going to expect him to deliver. These are indeed interesting times.


  1. "Lock Up Hillary"

    This could get very interesting. They're back to 5 on the SC. (Their amazing Supreme court gambit worked. A slow motion coup endorsed by the voters!)

    I have yet to see anyone point out the irony here... that this (former) American icon may soon be just another fugitive from the empire.

    Perhaps there is room at the Ecuadorian Embassy in London?
    Moscow is nice at any time of year, Hil.


  2. It won't be long before Trump realizes that his "lock up Hillary" meme can be a double-edge sword. Those who live by the gun... sort of thing. Somebody needs to tell Trump that "sovereign immunity" is long gone and what he does now may come back to haunt him in just a few years.

  3. I'm sure Obama's chat put Trump straight on a few realities of life.
    Trump seems to be backing off some of his hardline promises.
    He is also using his family as advisors for the transition!
    Perhaps he trusts no one?
    He lives in dangerous circles.


  4. RE
    Trump has a well-deserved reputation for overselling, promising what he could not possibly deliver, milking Gullibillies and then leaving them holding the bag. He's made a lot of promises, promises of blood. His base is going to expect him to deliver. These are indeed interesting times.

    Trump made a hostile takeover of the Republican Party and won.
    Even within his supporters he is now consolidating his power by firing those that helped make his victory and replacing them with confidants.
    Pence has been brought to the helm of the transitional committee an odd choice.
    Pence will possibly be marginalised and with him the Evangelicalistas when over voted by the Trump family during the transitional committee talks.
    I thinks it's a shrewd way for Trump to have manipulated the Evangelical vote.


  5. As a. Female, I fear what his misogyny and disrespect for women has unleashed not just in the U.S. but also in Canada. The U.S. Doesn't own this type of behaviour. We have just as many of these types in this country.
