Wednesday, January 29, 2020

China, Thanks For the Coronavirus

Now, stop being a dick and give us back those damned hostages.


John's aghast said...

Even if they ALL die off (from Coronavirus) there'll still be 3 or 4 billion too many of us.....

John B. said...

While some guy from the WHO is praising China for its efforts, I'm wondering where they're going to land that plane filled with potential carriers and whether we're going to, and if so how long it's going to take us to, quarantine SARS City this time.

Trailblazer said...

Don't panic.
In the end the world needs a good cull!
This one could be blameless; no retaliation or repercussions.


The Disaffected Lib said...

John, I read that Air Canada has now suspended service to Beijing and Shanghai. Of course they're small potatoes compared to Cathay Pacific.

The Disaffected Lib said...

TB, the climate science types have been warning us for years of a future of pandemics. Part of it is from pest and disease migration. Bacteria and viruses are evolving to meet our changing environment.

Oh dear.

Northern PoV said...

You could be accused of racism on the 1st statement.
As for....
"Now, stop being a dick and give us back those damned hostages."

Free Meng