Thursday, March 11, 2021

An Inauspicious Day, March 11

One year ago today the World Health Organization declared Covid-19 had become an epidemic.

Today also marks the tenth anniversary of the Fukushima nuclear disaster. Much of the former area remains depopulated. The Japanese government, meanwhile, keeps toying with the idea of discharging radioactive water from the site into the Pacific Ocean.

Here's a blast from the past. On March 11th, 1918, the first (American?) case of the "Spanish Flu" that would claim 50 million lives worldwide was reported at Fort Riley, Kansas.

On March 11, 1513, Giovanni de'Medici, of the fun loving Medici clan, became Pope Leo X.

On this day in 537 the Goths laid siege to Rome - again. 

Anything else to celebrate today? 

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