I don't like Saddam Hussein and I hope he gets what he deserves. I still found it really amusing to read the morning paper's story that the verdict against Saddam is expected early next month. Wow, I guess we're going to have to wait with baited breath to discover what that's going to be. Will he be convicted? Will he be acquitted? Who can tell? The tension is almost unbearable.
Here's a clue. We are told when to expect the verdict, not by Saddam's judge or other court official. No, the word came down from the prosecutor. He also told us that sentences will be pronounced "for those found guilty" on the same day as the verdict.
Why the wait? It was obvious what was in store for Sad Man before this show trial even started. Maybe the delay is to let everyone associated with the trial (other than the defendants of course) get all their family members safely out of Iraq before sentence is pronounced.
Saddam isn't giving up. He issued an open letter to his fellow countrymen yesterday telling them that Iraq's "liberation is at hand." I don't know about Iraq but I think Sad Man's liberation is just around the corner.
1 comment:
If it was only that simple. Mad Sam will be found guilty and will be sentenced to die at some point.
But here's the rub. As vile and hated as he may be, he still commands enough respect among the Shiite supported by Iran to be regarded as a martyr and it will set off an even more intense civil war with the Sunni who are backed by the Saudis.
At that point the attacks against Americans will come from both camps and grow far beyond what they are today.
The conflict will then likely spread into Afghanistan, and at that point they might as well leave Saudi Arabia too because they have lost the ability to deploy in tactical position to keep Iran boxed.
At that point they have effectively lost access to middle east oil reserves on their terms and will have to rely on internal supplies, Bush's buddy Chavez, and Canada.
Their economy can't support a prolonged doubling or trippling of the price of oil, and the first move will be to secure complete economic control over Canada.
All this because Dubya couldn't keep it in his pants and wanted to finish what Daddy couldn't.
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