Jon Stewart got into this when he appeared on Letterman's show last night. He said when Bush speaks he often comes across like an 8-year old who has to talk about a book that he never quite got around to reading.

Then Stewart came to Bush's defence when he said that the president isn't actually stupid. It's just when he talks, he acts like he's speaking to really stupid people. Of course, with the people he's trying to reach, the type who will still vote for George, you sort of have to talk that way.
Some time ago I tried to figure out Condi Rice's public speaking style. To me she sounds like someone trying out for the high school debating team. Her words aren't fluid, she looks like she's always wrestling to come up with the right word and, even then, is never entirely confident in her remarks.
The one guy who can speak well is Dick Cheney and, well, he's just evil.
I'm sorry, but you're a complete tool. George's coaltion of 30 was a complete joke and you know it. The terrorists came to Iraq after Saddam was toppled. You have to get past Fox and Newsmax, my friend. Do us both a favour and find someone else to annoy.
One more thing. If they had found real evidence of WMDs as you contend, why have your pals, Bush and Cheney, admitted (finally) they didn't? If they had found obvious WMD materials, Cheney would have had it on full display on the White House lawns. Let me guess, the aliens haven't told the White House about these discoveries yet. Just do us all a favour and go away because you are a complete tool.
Me Again. I want to apologize to ex-ndip and anyone else reading these comments for referring to him as a "tool" or a "complete tool." That was rude and unfair of me. My apologies.
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