Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Al Qaeda - So Very Yesterday

Out to Pasture?

Might as well call off the hunt for bin Laden and Zawhiri, not that anyone seems to be beating the bushes too hard to find them any longer. A research group at the US military academy has released a study claiming that these two notorious villains don't much matter any more, at least not to radical Islamic extremists.

Jihadism has spread broadly and rapidly despite the west's efforts at keeping al Qaeda and its leaders on the run. The report found that radical Islam, popularly called Salafism, has become so entrenched in the Arab world that Salafis now consititute a majority or a significant minority of Muslims in the Middle East and North Africa. Instead of the old-style, al-Qaeda training camps, the new Jihadis are getting their education from their movement's many internet sites.

So much for nipping the problem in the bud - that was so 2001.

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