Friday, November 10, 2006

An Insufferable Meddler

Poor Mrs. Toews. It must be a bitch for Lorraine when Vic comes home at night and immediately begins rearranging the furniture, especially when he keeps putting the sofa in the front yard.

In his brief spell as MinJus and AG, Toews has proven himself a compulsive meddler. He likes to tinker, he seemingly can't stop himself. Remember when he proposed lowering the minimum age of criminal liability to ten years old? He justified that on "anecdotal" evidence. An anecdote often comes in the form of a joke which I guess is an apt description for Toews.

Now Toews wants to invite law enforcement to have a say in the selection and appointment of Canada's judges. Cops have no business in the business of the judiciary. They serve the judiciary, not the other way round. Toews must see this as a real 'red meat' issue, the sort of thing that seems to trigger a rampaging Pavolovian response in his thinking.

Toews has demonstrated his flawed judgment before. We should be extremely wary of these weird ideas of his, hatched in the mind of a such a compulsive meddler pursuing such an ideological bent.

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