Saturday, November 11, 2006

It's Embarrassing to Call Dad for Help

If America finds some way to extract itself from the Iraq fiasco, it'll be George Bush who deserves the credit. Not "W" but his dad, George H.W. Bush. W was known to hang around in bad company before, especially during his booze and cocaine days, so it was hardly surprising when he fell in with bad company upon becoming president. The latest gang of miscreants called themselves "neo-conservatives" or neo-cons for short but they were more con than neo and they conned their maleable little Shrub into launching a crusade in the Middle East, an adventure that has miserably backfired.

From time to time there were glimpses that W enjoyed a bit of one-upsmanship on his old man. There was the time W said he looked to his Heavenly Father rather than H.W. for advice. Just winning a second term put W in a league beyond his dad. With wise guys like Cheney and Rumsfeld, Wolfowitz and Perle to guide him, there was no need to heed the caution coming from the oldsters like James Baker.

Bush began walking the plank, all the time denying it was a dead end path. Only when he reached the end and was staring down into the deep blue sea did he accept his mistake and welcome the intervention of his dad's cronies. It was too late to save Iraq, too late to prevent the Republicans from losing congress, but there was no way out.

George W. Bush came to the White House with a rich history of failures. Who could have seriously expected him to succeed in the job of president?

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