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The Eyes Have It? |
Lord Christopher Monckton is being invited to address the Marlborough Federated Farmers branch to unveil the truth about the global climate change hoax.
Awatere Valley farmer David Dillon said it was a unique opportunity for people to hear the other side of the debate.
"We're all told the world is getting warmer, but we'd like people to come along and hear what a layman thinks of the subject and judge for themselves," he said.
Because, after all, why would a scientist or even tens of thousands of them for that matter know more about science than a layman? That's the sort of logic you can develop from mucking out too many barns barefooted.
Opit, after I read your rampant holocaust denialism, I'd rather you move along to somewhere that people of your ilk belong.
My theory is that people listen to obvious nut jobs like this because deep down they do not *want* to believe in the nasty realities of climate change. They can luxuriate in denial a little longer by seeking out viewpoints that support their level of denial.
People go along to see and hear for themselves, rather rely on the partial & distracted accounts from assorted nut jobs in the press.
The clear and present danger we face is from being so easily led to follow popular opinion rather than thinking for ourselves.
"partial and distracted accounts" Why should they rely on those? Perhaps they're just too damned lazy to avail themselves of the incredible access to science that is at our fingertips today. They would sooner indulge themselves in the informational stroke job they get from ranters like Monckton.
The clear and present danger we face is actually from know-nothings like you who cultivate the notional nobility of ignorance.
I prefer to accept actual science from those people who have spent countless thousands of hours excelling at their studies, striving to reach the highest academic levels so that they can then spend countless thousands of hours conducting really helpful research.
You prefer the moron option. That's your choice I suppose but please don't lecture on what presents the clear and present danger we face.
Most world leaders are scientifically illiterate. That is why Margaret Thatcher, a politician with a basic science degree, started propounding the notion that Global Warming might be a problem.
It is no longer just the leaders that are scientifically illiterate. The illiterati extend to influential positions throughout national and local public administration. Publicly funded academia promotes and thrives on such ignorance too.
Fashionable Keynesian economists kid themselves that we can spend ourselves out of any imagined problem too.
While bankers sit back and dream of coining in their commissions on assorted carbon trading schemes that dysfunctional governments pump out money into supporting.
Thinking for ourselves, rather than letting ourselves be snowed by a governing classe of political lackeys who are living so very nicely off us all thank you very much, feeding off the public teet for their entirety of their existence, while quoting science at us that they don't understand but find useful nevertheless in blinding us to their true cause.
The danger is from know-it-alls, fancying they have the answer to everything at their fingertips.
The danger is from devolving our thinking to experts in every field, while too idle to pursue knowledge and understanding relentlessly for ourselves.
The prospect of domination of academia by government employment, project funding, and the power of money is ever present .
Be alert to the danger of public policy itself becoming the captive of a scientific-technological elite.
— Dwight D. Eisenhower, January 17th. 1961.
Christopher Monckton is a Member of the House of Lords.
The right to sit and vote has been withheld since the Act 1999, which sought to limit the influence of Hereditary Peerages. Membership however is conferred by the Monarch personally and is not withdrawn by an Act of Parliament.
Go Judge for yourself .
Our problem is not that we have been listening to scientists too much but that we have been listening to them barely at all.
Industry has been astonishingly successful at replicating the RJ Reynolds cigarette smoking/cancer campaign in their fossil fuel/greenhouse gas/global warming denialist campaign.
Here's what you need to understand, dimwits. The money is not on the side of science. It is overwhelmingly on the side of the fossil fuelers.
All the science behind the climate change consensus is open and readily available to being refuted by any government or any corporation. There are potentially trillions of dollars at stake for the oil, coal and gas companies. Think they would hesitate to spend a hundred million or so to disprove the climate scientists?
And are so bereft of critical thinking that you imagine that, having refuted the scientific consensus, they would not march their truth through the halls of Congress and crush the scientific consensus once and for all?
This is where you always fall down, where you always expose yourselves as gullible fools. Ask yourselves why Monckton is up there instead of credible scientists on behalf of the fossil fuel behemoth?
So now take your childish tomfoolery somewhere else. You're boring.
@ Tiresome. Face it, you're loopy. Yes most heads of state are relatively scientifically illiterate but scientific literacy is the function of the public services that inform and advise them. Most politicians are lousy strategists too but that's why they have generals. So why would you make such an obviously silly point? And what does Keynesian economics have to do with Monckton? Nothing, you just pulled it out of your arse.
You pull disconnected facts and random myths and try to present them as some sort of coherent narrative.
You are, as your name suggests, tiresome - and utterly boring.
The party is over. Climate Alarmists are on the run.
Investment worldwide in the first quarter of 2013 was $40.6bn, down 22% on a year earlier, due to a downturn in large wind and solar project financings London and New York, 15 April 2013 – Global investment in clean energy in the first three months of 2013 was lower than in any quarter for the past four years, according to the latest figures from research company Bloomberg New Energy Finance.
What's up MoundofSound ? Can't you handle a few facts ? You can clearly dish out the offensive invective, but you feel the need to hide actual facts and figures. Deleting substantive comments Eh!
It's all about emotion with you lot isn't it.
Drown out the facts with your emotive, mindless drivel.
It's your website, but it's in danger of becoming just a self fulfilling monologue. Good luck with that. I thought I'd stumbled across something better.
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