Friday, November 03, 2006

At Least He Didn't Inhale

Poor Ted Haggard, the dog ate his homework. Well, almost. In the latest chapter of the scandal of the evangelical preacher, Haggard admitted buying crystal meth and getting a massage from a male prostitute - BUT - he threw the drugs away and never had sex with his prossie either.

Haggard, former (I assume) president of the National Association of Evangelicals cut a wide swath in Washington and spoke out firmly against homosexuality and gay marriage, or at least he did, once upon a time.

The male prostitute who blew the whistle on Haggard, Mike Jones, claims the two had several drug-fueled trysts but denies he ever sold drugs to the preacher.

Kinda makes you yearn for the good old days of Jimmy Swaggart, eh?

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