It's bound to happen every now and then when you appoint a self-made, neocon tool to head your editorial board. In today's paper, the sinister pen of Marcus Gee appeared, predictably enough, in an opinion piece attacking the UN report on the apparent clash of civilizations between "Western" (Christian) and Muslim nations.
Marcus just can't give up the idea that America's invasion of Iraq was all about 9/11. In dismissing the report's contention that "the invasion of certain Muslim countries by Western military forces and their continued presence in these countries" contribute to violence in the region, Gee retorts:
"This completely ignores that the current wars in Iraq and Afghanistan did not predate the 9/11 terrorist outrage against U.S. civilians, but were a response to it."
Marcus just can't bring himself to acknowledge that Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld and their underlings had Iraq squarely in the crosshairs from the moment they took office. The 9/11 attacks simply provided them a much needed opportunity to exploit public trauma and present a list of contrivances to justify attacking Iraq. Sorry Mr. Gee, Iraq had nothing to do with 9/11 - even Cheney admits that now. You should too.
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