Iraq is a fiasco. Afghanistan is a fiasco without the same recognition. They both have one thing in common - western politicians and generals who constantly warn that leaving will make the ongoing civil wars in these countries much worse.
Isn't it curious that we keep getting the same message from people who can't come up with any answers on how to solve the dilemma. They've had years to find solutions - to muster the necessary resources and ideas - to the problems facing these failed states. The NATO mission to Afghanistan is woefully undermanned. We all know that and so do they. This failure, of itself, undermines our effort. The answer? Just hang in there.
If Harper and O'Conner can't tackle this simple and obvious problem, how are they going to deal with the greater problem of getting a viable government established in Kabul? By the way, they're losing on that problem also just as they've given up on the opium problem, the corruption problem, the human rights abuses, the warlord problem and everything else except trying to keep the Taliban at bay.
We just keep getting the same tired old 'stay the course' message from - from a bunch of losers who've shown themselves incapable of resolving even the simplest problems. Pulling out of Afghanistan is losing the cause and that should be avoided provided our leaders can present us with a reasonable plan that has a reasonable prospect of success. They don't want to pull out? Fine, give us a viable alternative.
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