Thursday, April 04, 2013

LDC's Are Closing In On Us

It seems they've called our bluff.

"We" are the First World, the developed countries, the big producers and consumers of fossil fuels, the big emitters.  We are also the rich countries.

"They" are the LDCs or Least Developed Countries.   They're the poor countries; the places we think are really backward, NatGeo spots; and they're the people who are the smallest emitters of greenhouse gases.   They're also the people who are most likely to be left to deal with the worst impacts of our greenhouse gas emissions, the climate change impacts we have largely manufactured for them.

Shameful and reprehensible as this may sound, one of the arguments that We have used to duck demands that We slash our greenhouse gas emissions is that We wanted a deal that made the same demands of Them.   We don't want to be compelled to cut our emissions until They are compelled to cut theirs.  It's the sort of argument a sphincter like John Baird can make with a straight face.

It was all great stuff until They called our bluff.   They're even offering to go first.

...the world's poorest countries say they are now prepared to commit themselves to binding cuts in their emissions of greenhouse gases. Until now, the 49-strong group of Least Developed Countries (LDC) have insisted the primary responsibility for tackling climate change through carbon cuts lies with industrialised nations, which emitted most of the carbon dioxide currently in the atmosphere.

Quamrul Chowdury is a lead climate negotiator of the LDC group. He said: "Prakash Mathema, the current chair of the LDCs in the climate negotiations, has a new mantra: 'Follow us'. That means the 49 LDCs under his leadership are set to act in the process as a very pro-active group. They will lead by example - by doing. The LDCs are no longer waiting for others to act.

"I think the LDCs are now for low carbon pathways for all. They are even ready to go first in helping to cut back global greenhouse gas emissions, though they are the ones least responsible for increasing those emissions."

So what are We going to do now about Them.   Probably the same thing we've done all along - if we can't use Them, we'll ignore Them.   Thanks fellas, now move along.


Owen Gray said...

They are calling our bluff, Mound -- and proving that we are literally and figuratively full of hot air.

Dana said...

Obviously they are going to have to bombed into submission.

The Mound of Sound said...

No, Dana, you've got it all wrong. You can't bomb them into submission when they're agreeing to your demands. You must bomb them into oblivion. Big difference, same result.