Wednesday, July 22, 2020

Great a Bi-Polar President

After George W. Bush we thought we had seen the last of the worst US president ever. After Donald Trump came along and was so much worse, George W. didn't seem like such a bad guy after all.

Maybe it's the lead in the water down there but we now have a raving, bi-polar loon trying to get on November's presidential ballot, Kanye West.

Kanye's wife, Kim Kardashian, has taken to Instagram to say that her man doesn't always have both oars in the water.
She wrote on Instagram: "As many of you know, Kanye has bi-polar disorder. 
"Anyone who has this or has a loved one in their life who does, knows how incredibly complicated and painful it is to understand." 
He is a "brilliant but complicated person" whose "words sometimes do not align with his intentions", she said.
Yeah, and he wants to be the commander-in-chief of the most powerful military in der welt.


Owen Gray said...

Insanity rules in The Land of the Bald Eagle.

The Disaffected Lib said...

There is a madness afoot in that country, Owen. It's an affliction that threatens the very heart of what had been American democracy.

Anonymous said...

careful how you comment about mental disabilities.

Anonymous said...

The debates are gonna be confusing with two guys rocking red caps - one guy thinks he's God, and the other thinks he's Yesus!


The Disaffected Lib said...

Do you caution those who take the piss out of Trump for his mental disabilities? I'm guessing, not. But thanks for playing.

The Disaffected Lib said...

Cap, Biden's been laying low but, from what I've seen, I think he's ready to march up one side of Trump and right down the other.

The Disaffected Lib said...

Cap, I totally missed your "red cap" reference. To me the term denotes military police, the 'red caps'. I didn't think of it in the context of MAGA hats. Now do you see what happens when we get old? Your turn is coming.

Trailblazer said...

I live in a wonderful world where i know nothing of Kardashian or Kayne
They are meaningless names of a culture I refuse to be aware of.
What I do realise is that they are symptomatic of an America ,and perhaps others, who live in a meaningless existence.

There are time when ignorance can be bliss.


Purple library guy said...

Biden can probably win the election at the rate things are going, but I don't think he's ready to march anywhere, let alone up and down Trump. Biden is an old school politician, from back when it mattered if you got caught lying or saying anything that might be controversial. So he and more importantly his speechwriters are great at the traditional art of speaking a bunch while saying nothing at all. His people may think they can catch Trump out in lies or gaffes. If so, they don't get it.

Trump is to Biden as a scuba diver is to an old fashioned diving suit with air hose. He just lies and if he's called on it, he lies some more and then amplifies his versions on social media. He's not tethered to any version of reality, much less to reality itself. He won't give a damn if Biden catches him in lies as long as he's appealing to the emotions of his voters. Confrontations between Biden and Trump are unlikely to go well for Biden.

No, best if Biden just keeps on Biden his time while Trump is hammered by the fact that things he's done have very direct, concrete impacts on huge percentages of the American people and he can't just Twitter that away. It's the revenge of reality.

The Disaffected Lib said...

I wish, PLG. As November approaches the anxiety builds.