The creepiest veep in American history is at it again. The Dick really, really wants to whack Iran before the villagers arrive at the White House with their pitchforks and torches to drive out the monsters. As he did with Iraq six years earlier he's trying to launch his next war on a bed of carefully crafted deception.
The Inter Press Service reports that, this time however, the military isn't rolling over:
"The allegation that Iran has reversed a decade-long policy and is now supporting the Taliban, conveyed in a series of press articles quoting "senior officials" in recent weeks, is related to a broader effort by officials aligned with Vice President Dick Cheney to portray Iran as supporting Sunni insurgents, including al Qaeda, to defeat the United States in both Iraq and Afghanistan.
"An article in the Guardian published May 22 quoted an anonymous U.S. official as predicting an "Iranian-orchestrated summer offensive in Iraq, linking al Qaeda and Sunni insurgents to Tehran's Shia militia allies" and as referring to the alleged "Iran-al Qaeda linkup" as "very sinister".
"That article and subsequent reports on CNN May 30, in the Washington Post Jun. 3 and on ABC news Jun. 6 all included an assertion by an unnamed U.S. official or a "senior coalition official" that Iran is following a deliberate policy of supplying the Taliban's campaign against U.S., British and other NATO forces.
"Both Gates and McNeill denied flatly last week that there is any evidence linking Iranian authorities to those arms. Gates told a press conference on Jun. 4, "We do not have any information about whether the government of Iran is supporting this, is behind it, or whether it's smuggling, or exactly what is behind it." Gates said that "some" of the arms in question might be going to Afghan drug smugglers.
"The commander of NATO forces in Afghanistan, Gen. McNeill, implied that the arms trafficking from Iran is being carried out by private interests. "[W]hen you say weapons being provided by Iran, that would suggest there is some more formal entity involved in getting these weapons here," he told Jim Loney of Reuters June 5. "That's not my view at all.'"
Dick by name, Dick by nature. Cheney already has manipulated his country into a draining, unwinnable war that it cannot even escape. Rather than working to resolve that fiasco, he'd rather get the US in yet another megawar. After all, Halliburton makes out like a bandit, win or lose, and these days the business of war is one of the most profitable businesses to be found.
1 comment:
Oh, this plot is far more sinister that air-head Dickie.
Try Wolfowitz, factor in Israel, feed it to through the stupidest man/mouthpiece US President ever and you have several hundred million really gullible morons whispering, "yeh!", amongst themselves.
This republican presidency is trying to set a record for the most invasions in a single republican presidency.....and they're getting all the help they need from a fourth estate who can't even do a search on google.
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