Thursday, February 09, 2017

SNAFU to FUBAR to... ? 16 Years On Afghanistan is Still Going All to Hell.

John Nicholson says that with an infinite amount of time and an infinite number of soldiers it is possible to win the war in Afghanistan against al Qaeda and ISIS.

The US army general, top commander in Afghanistan, showed up before Congress asking for another "few thousand" troops and time, more time, lots more.

Nicholson also hinted that Russia is busy muddying the waters, making America's job more difficult.

Nicholson contended that Russia has been publicly legitimizing the Taliban by claiming that the militants are fighting Islamic terrorists while the Afghan government is not. He called that a “false narrative” and argued that Moscow’s goal is to undermine the United States and NATO in Afghanistan. 

He said declined to say in the open hearing whether Russia is providing support for the Taliban and in what way. Afterward, Nicholson told The Associated Press he was referring to classified intelligence. He would not discuss the matter further.


Anonymous said...

Nicholson told The Associated Press he was referring to classified intelligence. He would not discuss the matter further.

Inferring a wrong doing is not proof.
Its a secret so it must be true!
This is alternative news at best.


crf said...

Russia helping the Taliban? It's amazing how paranoid some people are.

Anonymous said...

Payback a's bitch

The Mound of Sound said...

Alternative news, TB? This is the general's testimony before the Senate, a place where alternative facts could get easily confused with felony lying. Just sayin'

The Mound of Sound said...

@ CRF - Chris, if Afghan commander Nicholson is paranoid and NSA chief Flynn is a deranged conspiracy theorist, what does that say for the mental health of America's general staff?

The Mound of Sound said...

@ Anon, well the Russians, and Putin especially, are aware of the lengths to which the US, in collaboration with the Saudis and Pakistan, went to drive Soviet forces out of Afghanistan which, in turn, was a significant factor in the implosion of the CCCP.

Anonymous said...
