Tuesday, February 06, 2007

Partners in Torture?

One of the most controversial aspects of Canada's participation in the Global War Without End on Terror has been the fate of those captured by our forces.

It appears that once we get them in the bag, we give them a quick medical check and then hand them over either to US or Afghan authorities. Eventually the detainees names are reported to the International Red Cross but that's it. Unlike the Dutch contingent, Canada does nothing to follow up on these prisoners to ensure they're properly treated or, to be more direct, not tortured.

The Afghan security forces are known not only for their corruption but also their brutality. Without foreign oversight they pretty much have a free hand in dealing with their captives.

The question becomes whether Canada is complicit in torture by delivering suspected insurgents into the hands of those we have reason to believe will mistreat them? Under our law, a person is deemed to intend the logical consequences of his acts. Turning a blind eye isn't good enough.

It's time General Hillier got off his duff and started explaining Canada's position on the torture question.

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