Republican presidential candidates are all atwitter about the evil "Nafta Superhighway", a diabolical scheme to directly link Winnipeg to Mexico to facilitate the transfer of wealth and jobs out of the United States.
"There is no such highway being planned," says Ian Grossman, spokesman for the Federal Highway Administration, flatly. The most he will concede is that "improvements are always being planned to the highway system, to move freight more effectively, both east-west and north-south."
That isn't stopping Ron Paul, Tom Tancredo and Duncan Hunter from sponsoring a resolution in the House of Representatives denouncing the Nafta superhighway in any case. Seems there isn't a shred of xenophobia these guys won't mine for everything they can extract from it.
Their big concern is illegal immigration. Hey, wait a minute. Winter's coming and it's going to be a real bitch in Winnipeg. Oh I get it, all those 'peggers are going to be sneaking across the Rio Grande heading for sunny Monterrey.
Educate Yourself
Well, that was interesting. You had me from the point where Bush began talking about "reality." You need to spread the word. I'll do what I can to help. Thanks amigo.
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