Friday, July 13, 2007

The Blind Leading The Weak

George w. Bush seems to have dodged a bullet, forcing weak-kneed Republican congressmen to back down over their demands that he wind up the failed Iraq War.

All Bush had to do was what he's done so many times since 2001 - invent facts, conjure up favourable assessments and tell his Republican stooges, well, to go back and act like utter stooges.

Bush claimed that Iraq has made significant progress on 8 of the 18 benchmarks which are the essence of his "surge" in Baghdad. That the question of just how much progress was left up to Bush himself to define, says it all. Significant progress because George w. Bush needs to find significant progress to quell the sycophants and get his way. To reinforce this he threw in a dose of scare tactics about al-Qaeda and Iraq. Then there was the patriotism arm twister about supporting the troops. Bang, bang, bang and the Republican underlings ran to hide from the evil Count.

It is remarkable how a people will continue to tolerate a failed leader who has demonstrated his gross incompetence and dishonesty at every turn of his grandiose "war on terror." If the Brits had had a George Bush instead of a Winston Churchill, they'd be eating schnitzel and speaking German today.

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