Tuesday, July 03, 2007

Harper DeFanged

He's Pointing Left

Since his days as a founder of the Reform Party, Stephen Harper has been a real, red meat, Uber-Conservative. Moderation, to him, was a sign of fatal weakness, a sap to latent socialism. He happily denounced the Canadian people to a fawning American Uber-Republican audience. There lies the heart and soul of Stephen Harper, a consumate, far-right ideologue.

But it seems Stevie took a civics lesson and it sunk in. Now, he's come to be - or at least to appear as - what he once despised, a moderate. Oh Canada, Oh Stevie!

To all you right-wing nutjobs out there, I'm sorry but your guy is doing his damnedest to look like a Liberal. Unlike you, Harpo realizes that he can't hang on to power on the strength of the fringe vote and, when it comes to hanging on to power, all those loudly proclaimed (albeit inane) principles are, well, disposable. The very agenda his core elected him to achieve has been jettisoned and, if you are one of those core supporters, so have you. And that's tough.

The best part - or the worst part if you were a StevieMania fan - is that you've only seen just the start of Harpo's socio-politico-religious conversion. He says he gets "global warming", even calling it the greatest threat facing mankind. Well, eventually, you have to do something about it and, as much as Harpo would like to put that off, that time is just about here. The trouble is that, doing anything meaningful to combat GHG emissions, will strike at the interests of Alberta and its filthy tar sands project. Your boy is hoist on his own petard.

Now Stevie also says he gets the Afghanistan thing. Once again he's read the polls and thrown all his grand pronouncements to the winds of popular opinion. Your guy is literally shelling himself out in front of us. Quelle spectacle!

Add this to his other flip-flops and Harpo appears to be staggering about like the town drunk. That's something he can't afford to continue. He's now got to extract us from Afghanistan (or at least the fighting parts of the country), wrestle global warming to the mat, appease Quebec, appease the Maritimes, appease Ontario and, above all else, appease Alberta for what they've got coming their way.

No, Stephen Harper has been defanged. No more red meat for Stevie, only porridge. Pretty soon his threat from the right might become even greater than those he faces from the left and the centre.


Anonymous said...

No, he's pointing right.

The Mound of Sound said...

Actually, no. He's pointing WITH his right hand.

Anonymous said...

Out of all bad, some good rises; he's his own worst enema.

The Mound of Sound said...

And thank you, Anon.

ALW said...

Hilarious. Except it begs the question: does this mean we can count on your support now?

All the right-wingers are mad? Guess Harper can't be as much of a nutzo as you all claimed then, eh?

Ya can't have it both ways.

Anonymous said...

Wudrick, no I won't be supporting Harpo. He says he gets it, but he won't deliver and you know it. He's flipped on his policies and he'll flip on his supposed enlightenment.

Anonymous said...

If Harper has to continually lean left to keep in power - that says Canadians are more Liberal than Conservative.

Too bad he pretending. We aren't all fooled.

Tootrusting said...

If Stevie ever got a majority (God forbid) we would find out where he truely stands.
My bet is he would return to his roots.

The Mound of Sound said...

You know, Toot, you're probably right. I don't think Harper has changed but he wants us to think he has. His goal is to get a majority and he'll do everything he can to dupe the Canadian people into believing he's a moderate. If we let him, by giving him a majority, he'll revert to being a right-wing extremist. I think he'd love to constitutionally vandalize our country.

wilson said...

I am a StevieMania fan , and I like that he has rounded off the extreme corners of the party.

Harper was a PET Liberal, until the NEP.

PMSH was called 'the Refom MP least likely to drag his knuckels'.

IMO he is taking the party exactly where he wanted to from the start, in incremental steps.