If you look at the latest polls, he's nowhere.
An Environics poll shows Dion, at 16%, trailing both Harper, at 38%, and Layton (at 20%) when Canadians were asked to name which they would prefer as prime minister.
The only good news in the poll was that Canadians are still not willing to give Harper the majority he needs to pull off his agenda.
Dion told us he wanted to lead the Liberal Party. It's time he showed some sign of that. Harper and Layton have taken advantage of every opportunity to get before the cameras. Crass as that may be, in politics, out of sight is very much out of mind.
People here in the West are not responsive to Stephane Dion. His message isn't getting out. Harper ought to be an easy target but Dion isn't firing any shots. That's not leadership.
You got that right, unbelievable that the party could screw up again.
I reluctantly agree with you on this one. I'm willing to forgive if the result of radio silence is a stronger, unified sustained message from the liberal party and Dion.
But it is just strange seeing nothing except press releases on liblogs and a few comments (which seem to just be repeats) of support for First Nations peoples.
Yes, important topic - got it. But seriously the only main stream media reports that are about Dion in more than a passing mention the past couple of weeks have been speeches about standing on the side of First Nations peoples - oh, and one about Liberals restoring funds for the arts (almost forgot).
Umm, there are a few other things going on these days. Murmerings about Afghanistan, inflationary concerrns, questions about the North American Union (whatever acronym they've thrown to it), territorial security. Plus, plenty of ammo on the so-called successes of the Conservatives - guess those tax cuts didn't go over so well and may have in fact hurt the middle class (especially now that interest rates are going to have to climb due to the give-away on the top half and corporations).
Ok, there were about 5 or 6 topics to be out and about and visibe on -written in five minutes during my lunch break. Anyone out there listening???????
I've normally been quite positive but this seems a bit strange. He doesn't have to be on the war-path - and shouldn't be in my opinion. But he should be out there, expressing his views and the views of the party on the matters of the day. And letting Canadians get to know him.
Otherwise he risks continuing to be the straw-man the Conservatives want him to be for their next round of attacks.
Nobody is listening!
Stephane who?
A BC voter
Hi everyone:
Let me start by saying first i'm RIGHT WING POLITICAL. About this poll
our P.M. ( Stephen Harper )
has said time and time again that MR. Dion is not a LEADER even with what is going on in Afghanistan he can't even get a MINORITY GOVERMENT.
The Canadian People are not Stupid they see the
way the economy is going
it is RED HOT !!!! It's not just the People in the west that are not responsive to Stéphane Dion it's also the People
here in Quebec that can't stand him. Here is part of the poll you forgot to
mention on the National Scale the Conservatives were up at 37 per cent, the Liberals 28, NDP 17, Greens 11 and Bloc Quebecois 7. Let me remind you that the Conservatives won a minority goverment with 36% at 37% is very close to a majority goverment,because you have to factor in the vote splitting between the LIBS NDP GREENS AND THE BLOC HERE IN QUEBEC!!
Have Fun =)
Funny, I posted earlier lamenting no news only to find multiple news articles today about Dion - in Halifax at a town hall winning over people being the best one.
So perhaps it was just a week out of sight . . . we'll see.
And John needs to not get too far ahead of himself. Don't start counting on that majority just yet; the polls aren't exactly singing majority, and getting it if the light is just right on the electoral map is hardly a ringing endorsement.
I'm realistic enough to have concerns but by the same token I don't get drunk on koolaid either.
Dion will be the "John Turner" of the new millenium . . . this guy could not lead a group of boy scouts to a free lunch at Mickey D's.
Leadership convention shortly after the next election!!!
How about a merger . . . the Libs and the NDP . . . the new party could be called the Diberals!!! lol
Politics is a bloodsport. Harper knows it, so does Layton. Dion, by his absence from the fray, lends credence to the attack ads. Think McCain in 2000 or Kerry in 2004. You have to hit back, hard, to stay in the game or forfeit the entire mouthbreather vote to the other guy. That's what he's counting on. The intelligence behind the votes he gets is of no matter to Harper. A vote is a vote. Dion has to at least hold his own with that segment of the electorate and that means fighting back, especially when Harper keeps leading with his chin.
The only people who are paying attention to Layton and Harper right now are political junkies like yourself.
I agree with this post:
Anonymous said...
Nobody is listening!
11:55 AM
The majority of Canadians are enjoying the summer, not reading the papers, surfing the net or watching the television news Don't worry about what is happpening right now it is inconsequential.
Ames, you're dreaming and the polls show it. Be as arrogant and dismissive as you like but the electorate of Canada isn't as indifferent as you would have us believe. Dion is digging himself a hole.
Gee, Ames, what gives? I went to your blog and found you had written this just a matter of days ago:
"The Liberals have to get Stephane Dion's profile increased. Here is a man that everyone that I have talked to that has met him or has taken the time to take an unbiased view of his career and his vision for Canada comes away impressed. Yet the polls show that he hasn't connected with Canadians. Get him out on the hustings and get him on television, let Canada see what he has to offer."
That sounds like a curious comment to be followed by the comment you just posted here.
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