General Rick Hillier doesn't want Canada's military answering any questions about our detainees in Afghanistan. Apparently, releasing the information could endanger our troops serving over there.
Now, given that we're treating those we capture humanely and ensuring they're not abused once they're handed over to the Afghanis, what's the problem? I expect the Taliban knows who we've captured, either because they're missing or because they can always get that information from their collaborators within the Afghan government.
No, it strikes me that Hillier's concern is more with protecting his mission from unwanted scrutiny at home than protecting our soldiers from the Taliban. I do not give Hillier the benefit of the doubt.
1 comment:
No doubt, like our future RCmP chief, he's got his marching orders from the PMo. Deflect, deny and blaming Liberals is about the only moves this team has got.
Hillier's in love with Harpor's pro-military mindset. Give me guns, tanks and boats and I'll cut a swath of democracy through the unholy lands!
If we don't get these guys away from the keys to power, we'll be playing duck and cover with the soon-to-be-former-giant USA.
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