There was never a chance that our born again android, make that "leader", was ever going to decriminalize pot possession. Canada's cops got the Harpo message and are busting kids for pot just like the old days, introducing thousands of kids to life with a criminal record. After all, marijuana is much more dangerous and societally damaging than, say, alcohol. Wait, no it isn't, sorry.
A buddy of mine recently retired after a full career as a cop in a relatively upscale US community. He liked to tell how he'd dealt with all sorts of domestic violence, including a number of murders, where a bottle of Jim Beam would be front and centre, lying empty on a table and yet he'd never been involved with a violent crime resulting from someone smoking pot.
You go Steve! Canada needs more criminals.
1 comment:
Enna says.....or worse still, the chemicals cigarette companies add to their tobbacco manufacturing and people breath huge whiffs of it into their lungs. Then, up go the Health Care costs when cancers escalate and non-smokers and non-drunks have to help pay for their health care, as well as the maining and killing of innocent people along with the clean-up. Have you ever wondered if Harpsie has ever smoked the "weed." If he has, it probably was a "hoot."
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