Thursday, November 15, 2007

The Schreiber Tease

Karlheinz Schreiber seems intent on doing everything he can to avoid, or at least delay, his extradition to Germany. His best remaining means of accomplishing that is to tease us with promises that he knows much more about the Mulroney, Moores and Airbus cash business and that he'll tell all before the public inquiry called into the affair.

I think the very best thing that could happen to Brian Mulroney is to get Schreiber's evidence out, under oath. Let's hear everything he's got to say and see whatever documentation he has to back up his claims. That will then allow Mulroney's capable counsel a full opportunity to rebut anything Schreiber can say. After that all Mulroney would have to do is explain a few problems that arise out of acknowledged facts or that appear on the existing record. Then he's out of this mess - for good.

Brian Mulroney can't fault Canadians for being a tad suspicious. His government, after all, was beset by a number of scandals. He knew Karlheinz was a dodgy character and yet he allegedly chose to do business with him, even to represent him in dealings with the federal government. Then there's the question of who in his right mind would accept cash-stuffed envelopes from a guy like Schreiber without protecting himself with a clear paper trail? I mean, c'mon, it's Karlheinz Schreiber not Warren Buffet. You deal with people like that at your peril and it did turn out to be perilous for Brian Mulroney. Who, in his right mind, would go through this controversy and then still have cordial meetings with Schreiber? Does anyone believe Brian Mulroney was so hopelessly naive?

Sorry but I don't have a lot of sympathy for Brian Mulroney. Schreiber has been his nemesis but the main damage he's caused Mulroney comes from revelations from his Swiss bank records.
Mulroney brought this down upon himself.

So, let's hear what Schreiber has to say, give him one last chance to get everything out.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Perhaps Mr. Krlheinz Schreiber could be enticed to spill the beans if he were offered 2 million Canadian Taxpayer dollars.