Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Eleven Years for Kid Diddler Klassen

The BC Supreme Court has handed an 11-year sentence to kiddie sex tourist Kenneth Klassen.   The court convicted Klassen of 14-offences under Canada's sex tourism law.

The sad reality is that Klassen might easily have gotten away with it.   He only came to the attention of authorities when they stumbled upon videos Klassen mailed to himself that recorded him having sex with young girls in Colombia and Cambodia, some of whom the Crown claimed were as young as 8.


Anyong said...

As far as I am concerned he didn't get enough jail time. He is nothing but an old fart and there are thousands like him leaving this country to stick their stick in some eight year old in some other poor country. They don't have a consciencous at all and these old ugly fat men think it is their right to penitrate any kid they want. There are so many men walking around who have developed the mind set they can stick their penis into whom ever they want without any recourse. The truth is the trugh and needs to be said plainly regarding this issue.

The Mound of Sound said...

You seem to imply that this is a widespread problem among males. I don't buy that.

As for the sentence, it might just be the toughest one yet for this sort of crime.

Anyong said...

Why don't you buy it? I suggest you take a little trip to one of these countries and see for yourself as I have done. And, while working in South Korea for eleven years, many male Canadian and US males openly talked about what they could do in these countries. They also got away with sexually harassing Korean women as well which they would not ever do in their own countries. It is only in the last several years South Korea has put in place laws regarding sexaul harassment. Also Brits, Australians, New Zealanders and Europeans go to Thailand and neighbouring countries to avail themselves to children. Having taught children and raised children, it makes me sick to think that many men act like male bears towards children. So don't you dare think it isn't going on in mass because it is.

The Mound of Sound said...

So what are you saying? Is it one in ten men, one in a hundred, one in a thousand, what? Do you have any reliable means of knowing? I've known a great many people in my lifetime and there's been just one I met, about 25 years ago, who went to Asia on a sex junket. I don't know that he was after children for that matter although if that was the case I'm sure he would never have admitted it.

So, that's why I don't buy your claim.

Anyong said...

There is room to say here Canadians who have not travelled to Asia are very naive regarding Canadians who do to spend a sex vacation. There has been more than one Canadian charged with sex offensences against children in Asia.

Take some time and check it out.

The Mound of Sound said...

Of course there has been more than one Canadian charged with this sort of offence but that's a big, really unfair stretch to suggest that many Canadian men are into that. To defend that hyperbole by accusing others of being naive is disingenuous. If it wasn't a problem we wouldn't have introduced changes to the Criminal Code but keep your allegations in perspective.

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Anyong said...

Many Canadian and US men are into that. Go and spend some time in one of these countries and find out for yourself and I don't mean a week or two either. I know what I know and you cannot try and make me look as if it is just allegation for it is NOT.

Anyong said...

And to add to the above.....Many Canadian and US gays also go to Thailand and Cambodia to have sex with children...Fact is fact my man. I worked with an American who thought it was perfectly okay to solicit his boy students. He even noticed a student in my class and asked me to introduce him. However, a mother happen to report him and he got fired only to move to another school and begin all over again. He should have been charged under Korean law.

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