Thursday, May 17, 2012

The Monster Shows His Black Heart

The Face of Pure Evil
 Former Bosnian Serb army commander Ratko Mladic on trial for genocide in the murder of 8,000 Bosnian Muslims as well as the 10,000 who were killed in the seige of Srebrenica, revealed himself the face of pure evil while on trial before the International Criminal Court in the Hague:

"THE gesture was slow, deliberate and aimed at the bereaved mother in the public gallery - two fingers pressed together and drawn in a cutting motion across his throat.

"It was in this way that Ratko Mladic - the man known as the ''Butcher of Bosnia'' - addressed one of those who had come to see him face justice.

"...For his victims, memories of Mladic came back when he caught the eye of members of the Mothers of Srebrenica sitting in the courtroom in The Hague. Using the cutthroat sign he looked at Munira Subasic, 65, whose son and 21 other relatives were killed by Bosnian Serb soldiers under Mladic's command.

'''It brought me immediately back to 1995 and Srebrenica and I saw that this war criminal had not changed at all … he wants to kill us again,'' she said after the hearing. Mrs Subasic recalled the day when she had first looked into the eyes of Mladic while begging him to stop his soldiers taking her teenage son away with them.

'''I saw the same murderer, who is proud of the things he has done there.'''

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