Friday, February 06, 2009

America's Oh So Greasy CEO's Fight Back

The Barons of Wall Street, having just pocketed their 2009 bonuses filched out of taxpayer-funded bailout monies, are feeling the heat. They're also rankled that Obama plans to cap their salaries at $500,000. So, they're fighting back, impudently arguing that why should Obama get a better deal than he's allowing them?

Here's an idea. Yes, he does get some neat perks but he's the friggin' President of the United States of America and you're a bunch of greedy, moronic sphincters who've plunged the world into a recession that's running straight up to the edge of a possible depression.

Surely there must be enough lamp posts to hang all these bastards.


PaleoAnarchist said...
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PaleoAnarchist said...
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The Mound of Sound said...

PaleoAnarchist - take your tirade against Israel somewhere else.

PaleoAnarchist said...
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PaleoAnarchist said...
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The Mound of Sound said...

Paleo, I went to your web site. As expected it turns out you're a lunatic anti-Semite. I'm no fan of Israel and that's apparent from my posts on Gaza but you're simply consumed with hatred and paranoia.