Jones won five medals in all at the 2000 Sydney Olympics, three gold and two bronze. Her performance made her, for a time, the world's most famous female athlete.
An Olympic athlete goes to jail for lying. A household diva goes to jail for lying. Why then, does a guy who swears under oath that he only met another guy a few times for a cup of coffee and is later shown to have pocketed hundreds of thousands of dollars from this guy instead, not raise so much as a prosecutor's eyebrow?
hmm. very good point.
I also agree...good point..
most american athlete cheat, 160 tests and she past them all, but one???? what does that say..they found a way to mask the cheating...look at that tour the france guy, lost a macanamia, atributed to steroids, tried for the olympics, twice, didnt even qualify to make the team, at that time, the olympics had a more extensive testing plan than the tour the france. One would have to be a total moron to believe he never took drugs, but hes a hero, go figure...
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