Thursday, January 15, 2009

Liblogs - An Alternate Reality

I just scanned today's posts at LiberalsOnline, Progressive Bloggers and Liblogs. In terms of editorial content there's one that stands out from the rest - Liblogs.

If you were to glance down the list at Liblogs you would be hard pressed to know that there's anything underway in Gaza - anything at all. It's like there's this enormous void over there that sucks out any mention of the Israel assault on Gaza or the carnage inflicted on the Palestinians. Out of sight, out of mind. Move on, nothing to see here.


Skinny Dipper said...

What is Liblogs? It's out of sight and not in my mind?

"You have entered the Demilitarized Zone."

Red Tory said...

I wasn't around today. ;)

penlan said...

Hey MoS,

I posted on Gaza about the shelling of the UN Headquarters at 7:10 a.m. yesterday. The post, titled Justify This!, was still there the last time I looked around 7:30 p.m. last night. So it was there all day. I haven't left Liblogs - yet.

And you are right. No one but myself posted anything about the I/P conflict. Terrible!

Since you, LeDaro, & James left that place posts are not moving quickly anymore it seems. Not surprising.

Just want you to know there was at least one post on it. ;)

RuralSandi said...

As much as you're passionate about the issue, there are other things to talk about.

You are using this forum to bash Liblogs to try to hurt them.

Childish to say the least.

Anonymous said...

Jason Cherniak did enough damage to Liblogs with his behaviour.

Liberals used to poke fun at BT for being an echo chamber of all things God-like and Harper....

Ted Betts said...

Actually, just scanned Liblogs and LOL, and you are quite wrong. Liblogs has 5 posts up on Israel and Gaza, LOL has 4 (not counting the juvenile attacks on Cherniak by LeDaro as a post about Gaza, or attack posts such as this one).

It seems that when it was just you, Curran and LeDaro on LOL, the obsessive focus on this one issue filled the page, but as you get more "featured Liberal bloggers" in the aggregate, you begin to reflect the breadth and scope of interests of Liberals a little more, just like Liblogs.

Another point, I have not seen a single post by anyone in a long time on Darfur or the slaughter of Muslims by the Russians. Not to minimize Gaza in any way but those are far far worse slaughters with tens of thousands to hundreds of thousands dead.

By your "logic", should I conclude that you don't care about those deaths or that you support the slaughterers because you have not condemned them? That would be a ridiculous claim and so, with all due respect, is yours.