Tuesday, December 09, 2008

Dionistas - The Stakes are Too High to Quibble

Now is the time for all good Liberals to put away petty internal quibbles and come together behind Michael Ignatieff. For starters, let's stop calling him "Iggy."

Stephen Harper is hoping to game this parliamentary crisis into a majority he doesn't deserve. Few have any doubts what Harper would do if he had a free hand.

I carry no brief for Michael Ignatieff but I am willing to give him my total support while I wait for him to prove himself deserving of it. There are some in this party who feed off their notional grievances but there's no time now for those feuds.

This is the time to put Canada and the Party first.


Anonymous said...

The establishment of our party have bypassed the membership in installing our Leader, and we should rollover. That is not what is best for the party.

Anonymous said...

I think of him as "Iggy". It will be tough to kick that habit

sassy said...

Anon at 11:38 - (Assuming that you are not comfortable with the current Harper Goverment), given the events of the past few weeks, what would be best for the LPC?

Should you choose to respond, please be realistic. Thanks

The Mound of Sound said...

Anon, you would see this party and the country devastated. Our Canada is beset by an extraordinary crisis which Mr. Dion hasn't helped. Of the three candidates, two have dropped out, both of them supporting Ignatieff. This is no time for childish pouting.

Anonymous said...

Yes, Iggy is definitely out. We were crucified for calling him Canada's Obama. Funny isn't it, I guess we were right all along.

Militant Dipper said...

I plan to support Ignatieff the same way his supporters backed Dion. Actively and openly working against him, badmouthing him, backstabbing him, making up shit if I have too. His only shot at even grudging, halfhearted support would be to embrace the coalition. Fat chance.

Yappa said...

I noticed Heddy Fry called him Iggy in an interview last night. She didn't seem to mean it in a derogatory way. I never refer to him as Iggy because I supported the other guy so it seemed snarky, but I suppose it could be said in an affectionate way... ?

We also need to figure out how he pronounces him name. I'm pretty sure it's Ig-NAT-ee-eff, with nat rhyming with bat, but I notice that the French translators pronounce it Ig-NAY-cheff.

And I agree, we need to pull together now and give him our support.

sassy said...

MoS, I neglected to mention in my previous comment that I agree that the stakes are much too high not to buckle down and do what must be done for LPC and, most importantly for Canada. Anything less it akin quibbling about how the fire started as the house burns down.

Who was it that said something to the effect that "You won't recognize Canada when I am through with it"?

The Mound of Sound said...

Excellent point Sassy. Yes we all would do well to remember that comment. It makes comments like those from our friend, Militant Liberal, all the more worrisome. As ML has openly promised to subvert the party, I suppose he ought to leave it. I'm sure Mr. Harper has a place for him.

Anonymous said...

I was the original commenter here and Sass asked me a question. Frankly, I think the best thing for the Liberal Party is four years in the wilderness. The party has clearly demonstrated it needs to be shaken up, inside and out. We need to lose the election next time, and good. We lost the selling war on the Coalition because we do not have the party mechanisms to connect with our membership. Talk to a Conservative about how they used this as a rallying call and a fundraiser. This recent action by the Party clearly demonstrates it sees power as more important than connecting with the membership. But power will elude us as long as we do not modernize our party. The power of modern political movements comes from energizing the grassroots.

The Mound of Sound said...

Anon, I might agree with you if the Conservative leader was a federalist and a moderate. He's neither and the significance of that is lost in your logic. I've not seen any sign that Mr. Harper has renounced his intent to Balkanize my country or saddle it with his social conservative agenda. The Cheney/neo-con legacy may be coming to an end in the states and look at how that nation is suffering for it. You may think that's a risk we can take while we go on an extended R&R in preparation to return. I'm not sure what we'd have to return to and, unless you can show me some reason not to worry, then your arguments are facile.

Anonymous said...

You missed his/her point. In our blind quest to obtain power we've cut out our membership but we will not obtain power unless we connect with our membership. If something as undemocratic as this happened in the Conservative Party there would be a revolt. In the Liberal Party the response is: Oh well, they've ignored us. Let's unite and win the next election.

Anonymous said...

Ok ok I won't call him Iggy anymore!

Henceforth, from this day forward, he shall be known as:

Emperor Lord Michael 'the Tsar' Ignatieff, Benevolent Father, Giver of All True Gifts, Bestower of Party Titles and Cabinet Posts, Acclaimed From on High by Those That Know Better.

My lord, wilt though returneth my fee of membership after I have returneth my membership?

Militant Dipper said...

" As ML has openly promised to subvert the party, I suppose he ought to leave it. I'm sure Mr. Harper has a place for him."

Love or leave it. Is that the new mantra under your boy Ignatieff? Don't worry I've been half way out the door for a long time. I have always been upfront about what I believe about Ignatieff. As for going to Harper, although that would be a step to the left of Ignatieff I think I will probably end up with NDP. Having said that MoS I will miss reading your well informed and thought provoking posts. Especially regarding Afghanistan. Not to worry, with your boy Ignatieff running the country you will have many more Imperial adventures in the future to write about.

Anonymous said...

Yappa...it's Ig-NA-tieff. A. Morris

Anonymous said...

I am confused .... Liberal left? Liberal right? Which is it for crap sakes.

Some of you are so hell bent on getting rid of Harper at any cost that you are prepared to put blind faith in some guy who hasn't even said where he stands on things (well besides supporting Iraq, torture and all things American).

And somehow you think this sells better to the electorate than Harper?? You guys ARE really confused.