Monday, August 12, 2013

Tony, Meet Steve

They're both rabid rightwingers so you would have thought the man hoping to become Australia's next prime minister, Tony Abbott, would know a thing or two about his Canadian counterpart, Sideshow Steve Harper.

Abbott seemed to ignore Steve entirely when, on the campaign trail, he dropped this bomb:  “You don’t get good decisions from government if all the decisions are simply made by one person.  No one, however smart, however well educated, however experienced, is the suppository of all wisdom.”

Tony, meet Steve, the walking, talking suppository of all wisdom.   And now, Tony, Steve would like to help you with your campaign with a gift, a capsule of his own wisdom.


Anonymous said...

And Laureen can have no part in this. According to Reform party doctrine, only male members of the party, Jason or John, have the holy oil required to coat the suppository of wisdom before it is administered to Steve.

UU4077 said...

"Suppository", eh? You know where he can stick that!

Those right-wingers are so anal!

Anonymous said...

Hah! That was way too easy.