Thursday, October 04, 2012

NATO Went to War for America, Why Not Turkey?

Like the United States, Turkey is a full member of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization.   Article 5 of the NATO charter obliges all members to come to the aid of any other member under attack.   For the second day running, Turkey has received artillery barrages fired by Syrian government forces.

So, what's the hold up?

Turkey is the only Muslim member state of NATO.   Maybe it's because we have a Muslim state being attacked by a Muslim neighbour that accounts for our apparent indifference.

I can't help thinking about John Baird, Harper ForAffMin, slamming the U.N. for failing to act on Syria.   I wonder if that loudmouth is railing on against NATO for doing precisely the same thing.

The Turkish government has authorized its military to enter Syria in response to the shelling.


kootcoot said...

Since humans are apparently too dumb and too greedy to address and try to solve the real challenges we face, we may as well just go ahead and get with WWIII, "the really big one" to paraphrase Dobie Gillis' dad.

If mankind insists on refusing to respect the earth until the human herd is culled enough to make the survivors do so, then the Syria-Turkey border is as good a place as any to start the festivities. Everybody else will pile on soon enough.......

I could be in a lot worse locations to try and be one of the survivors, until of course somebody goes after our dams! But we have lots of abandoned mine shafts in these parts, or make shift fall out shelters. We even have some working hard rock shafts, and it's a small community.

Purple library guy said...

Incidentally, does anybody know why? I mean, is the claim that the Syrian government feels that at this juncture, they really need to help people make the case for invading them? In the couple news articles I've seen they include stuff said by various authorities, but nothing whatsoever about what Syria's saying. Whatever their position is, whether it's denials or "We were shelling the Al Quaeda terrorists Turkey was sheltering", it's apparently something our news media doesn't want us to hear.