Monday, September 09, 2013

Bachmann Goes Batshit in Egypt

Michelle Bachmann links Egypt's Muslim Brotherhood with 9/11.


LeDaro said...

Looks like these three-some are too ecstatic that they don't know what they're talking about. They're in favour of a military government and killings of Egyptians it is carrying out. This hypocrisy of U.S. on international level has done extraordinary damage to world peace.

Anyong said...

Lordy, Lordy, someone put that poor woman out of her misery by retiring her.

kootcoot said...

Anyong, she is retiring herself, because, you know, preznits can only serve eight years (since FDR freaked out the ReThugs) and she considers herself SO PREZNITENTIAL! She'll still have to suffer her misery though and the rest of us, especially in her state will have to suffer her, unless somebody runs her over or something. Michelle is like the female version of Ann Coulter.

double nickel said...

Gomert is even more batshit crazy than she is.