Tuesday, September 03, 2013

It Sounds Like a Japanese Sci-Fi Movie - An "Ice Wall" to Sequester Fukushima

The Japanese government claims it will build a wall of frozen soil to surround the Fukushima nuclear plant and, it's hoped, prevent radioactive cooling water from leaking.

Shafts will be drilled into the ice wall to a depth of 27 metres through which coolant will be circulated to freeze the soil.


Anonymous said...
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Kirbycairo said...

The Japanese Government had to take over from the private corporation that was running the show up till now. Given this and the events in Quebec after the disastrous train crash should teach people that private corporations love to exploit the public but have not sense of responsibility toward that public.

Steve said...

I was not the first to observe " Winter is coming to Fukushima"

Dont worry the Japanese have a secret dragon that will sanitize the site in case of failure.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, because ice is an effective barrier when leakage from a reactor decides to go supercritical again.

Anyong said...

Like everything they do that is a detriment to the world or themselves personally, they will lie again.

LeDaro said...

It sounds like a fellow trying to extinguish wildfire with a bucket of water.

See the picture.


The Mound of Sound said...

@ Anon, three of the reactors have already gone into full meltdown.

LD - awesome but tragic photo.

Kirby - now you're sounding like one of those darned soshulists.

Al said...

Fission is a poor substitute for fusion, solar, wind, geothermal, or tidal power. Still no solution for massive long lasting radioactive waste that will be a problem for generations of humans if we survive. Our civilization is melting down & I can't do anything to help!