Friday, September 06, 2013

Tony Blair Never Met a Muslim Country He Didn't Fancy Bombing

There's something about a snort of Yank bum that Tony Blair finds irresistible.   It was that addictive scent, after all, that made Blair a war criminal for illegally invading Iraq.

Blair, realizing that denial is the best thing he's got going for him, steadfastly insists that the Iraq fiasco was "the right thing to do."  And, in keeping with that fantasy, Blair has criticized his successor, Labour leader Ed Miliband, for voting against David Cameron's bid to help Washington bomb Syria.

Explaining his opposition to Mr Miliband's stance, Mr Blair told Radio 4's What Syria Means For Britain. "This is something where I just have to disagree with the leadership of the party.

"I know it's a difficult position for political leaders to be put in when they've got to take decisions like this, but my position on these issues is pretty clear over a long period of time."
  In last Thursday's debate, Mr Cameron told MPs: "The well of public opinion has been well and truly poisoned by the Iraq episode."
Sir Menzies Campbell Former Lib Dem leader echoing Mr Blair, said Syria was not like Iraq, because "the fact that the Syrian government have, and have used, chemical weapons is beyond doubt".

Explaining his reasons for backing military action, Mr Blair said not acting in Syria would be "dangerous" as it would "send a signal" that chemical weapons could be used without a "robust response".


LeDaro said...

He is a good Catholic and a crusader. He also likes fireworks.

The Mound of Sound said...

Yeah, and he should be sitting in a cell.

Ray Blessin said...

Anthony "Tony" Blair "became" a Catholic AFTER he was done being Prime Minister of "The United Kingdom".
What a fucking moron! (sorry for all the quote marks)

The Mound of Sound said...

Yes, Ray, but look on the bright side. Blair, in converting, may have blazed the path for Newt Gingrich to convert in 2009, just two years later.

crf said...

Most ex-leaders know that after they leave office they should stay quiet on current policy unless invited to speak. Tony Blair obviously isn't such a leader.

You don't see the Bushes, to their credit, yammering away in the press about Obama's policies, for example.

Anonymous said...

crf, why would Dubya criticize Obama's foreign policy? There's no meaningful difference from his own.

kootcoot said...

Besides, Bu$h the Lesser better keep his mouth shut regarding Barry's policies - or he might change his mind and quit looking forward and consider prior war crimes, I would be pissed off enough just listening to the crap that comes out of Dickhead Cheney's mouth and then there is the daughter who ain't gay!