Okay, it's not exactly Midway or the Coral Sea but the stage has been set for another encounter with Japanese ships on the high seas, this time on the Ross Sea.
Next week a "scientific mission' consisting of six Japanese whalers will be heading into the southern waters intent on taking 935 minke whales and, for the first time, 10 fin whales. This, of course, is all in the name of science.
The Japanese fleet will be confronted by a squadron of four ships, two from Greenpeace, two from Sea Shepherd. This time Sea Shepherd captain, Paul Watson, is bringing out the big guns - "Leviathan" - a converted, 61 metre, former U.S. Coast Guard ship.
Watson is a basher. He rams whaling ships. He's sent ten of them to the bottom in his 27-years at sea. Leviathan is the largest and fastest he's ever commanded and he's made it clear he intends to use it to full advantage when he finds the Japanese.
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